Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So all morning I have been trying to catch up on the blog and the kids have been left to their own adventures. Eloise has gotten two varieties of crackers from the pantry and 'shared' them with Sam. I am afraid to seem the cracker damage that has been done to the is a little taste of that may be in store for me as I try to repair the damage of my neglect and 'sharing'.

Welcome Fall

As tradition subscribes when a gathering in the fall happens among the Salmons we must make time for a Welcome Fall party.

This thanksgiving weekend we went to Medicine Hat to celebrate and along with the welcome fall party we did some crafting, watched movies (on Grandpa's new TV), ate good food and played with cousins. I do feel so blessed to have such a lovely family and especially for my handsome husband who takes good care of us and is still the most splendid company of all.
Bryce and Eloise enjoying the Welcome Fall feast.
Sam loved the leaves right away, Eloise took some warming up but by the end of the night everyone was enjoying the pile.

the Melissa's

We had our first house guests the last weekend in September for the Melissa's race. My sister in law Nicole is a star and took my spot because I have been doing zero running as of late. My niece Alyssa and Bryce also ran in the race. Terry, Jodi and I were great cheerleaders long with the kiddies. Despite the wind it was a great race and a pleasure to be in the mountains.

Here are the few shots I got of Bryce looking so hot in his running gear. Great work Bryce, Nicole and Alyssa.

Conference Weekend

We were lucky to have a visit from the Curliss family for General Conference weekend. We were able to enjoy some beautiful fall weather, splendid company and some spiritual uplifting.
Sam and Tony found a treat cup in the diaper bag and worked together to finish of every last puff.

Ethan and Eloise loved finding rocks and tossing them in to the river.