Monday, March 11, 2013

Sammy Turns 3

We had a small celebration for Sam on his actual birthday which included the cupcakes leftover from the ones we made for his school friends.  

Then on the weekend we celebrated with a larger family gathering.  Lonni/Tim, Darrell/Kelly and Grandma and Grandpa Salmon came.  We love having so much family so close.  I made Sam a dinosaur volcano cake which was super easy and he thought it was amazing!
 The opening of the gifts.  Sam got a really special gift from Grandpa who built him his very own train table.  Sam has been standing there 'choo chooing' ever since.

Sam is a very special part of our family.  He and Eloise have become the best of friends and I love watching them grow together.  Sam is a real goof and is always trying to get other to laugh with him.  He loves his baby sister Ruth and takes such good care of her, she lights up every time she can hear him in the room.  Love you Sam!

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