Monday, January 10, 2011

A Palmer Christmas

We were lucky to get to spend Christmas in Edmonton this year at Grandma Palmer's! On Christmas Eve Nicole and Terry hosted a wonderful 'Ugly Sweater' Party with a delicious Asian food inspired dinner.

Nicoel had a gingerbread cake for the kids to help decorate. Eloise and Micheal took this task very seriously and as you can see it turned out beautifully.

Christmas Eve PJ's from grandma. So cute!

Christmas morning Elosie loved opening each gift and the asking for 'mores'. She got a new baby, a toolbox and a backpack from Santa.

By the time Elosie woke up at 9:00 Christmas morning Sam was already down for his morning nap so he slept though most of the present opening madness. When he woke up he got to have his very own Christmas and could not have been more pleased.

Here is how we spent most of the rest of the day in our PJ's relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Cute pjs! That is impressive that Eloise slept into 9:00!
