Some of our adventures as the big Christmas holiday approached:

We got a new TV (a bit early due to a good pre Christmas sale at Costco) and the best part was and still is the house/store made from the box. This is Sam making his way inside (which annoys Eloise to no end) and me 'buying food' from Eloise through the window. She still asks me a couple times a day "Mom buy food" which means we go downstairs and I buy cookies, pizza, bread etc. and make sure to pay with monies and mores monies. Always fun every time.

As you can see Sam and Eloise had very different reactions to the Santa at Bryce's work Christmas party. Although Eloise talked about 'Santy' for days with found love in her eyes.

Sam stuck in the heating vent once he figured out how to remove the top.

This is an advent that I made for the kids this year. It was a fun project and I spend many hours was a real hit until the home teachers dropped off an advent that dispensed candy each day...who can beat that!