The kids and I drove up to Edmonton Wednesday in our very fancy new minivan...yep that's right we are now a minivan family. Thankfully both did really well on the trip and Eloise was super pleased to find out that she can watch her 'shows' while we are driving. Bryce joined us for the weekend on the Greyhound. We had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa Palmer and all the Edmonton cousins.

Enjoying the beautiful weather on the fun swing.

We went swimming on Saturday and then had a wiener roast. This is what Eloise looked like after all the delicious (and non nutritious) food.

Micheal sharing ice cubes with Eloise. Earlier in the evening Micheal had fallen off this bench so I was watching them closely knowing that Eloise is not too graceful at the best of times. Until someone pointed out a wandering child (not from our group) in the distance and distracted me...needless to say this is when Eloise fell. Luckily she recovers quickly and was happy to keep on exploring.

Elosie is a culinary genius and invented the hot dog dipped in Sprite...Yum (at least she was eating something which is more than we can say for most other meals).

Best buds Cohen and Sam!
Looks like the Palmers know how to put on a great weiner roast! Wish I was there. Eloise has so much hair in her pony very cute she is.