We took a trip to the Zoo Saturday for some family fun. We anticipated a short trip with Sam being as unpredictable as they come (always good to keep expectations low), but both kids did great and we ended up seeing most of the main enclosures.

Elosie is now old enough to actually care about the animal and was quite fascinated by the hippos and giraffes.

After dinner she insisted on carrying around one of her chicken fingers (which she does often with dinner items), until she took a break by sitting on the ground and lost the finger trying to get up. Bryce said she had to throw it away in fear that it may be contaminated with animal feces.

One of the most exciting animals for Eloise, much to the disgust of Bryce and I, was the Canadian geese. Thankfully these ones did not hiss at her like they usually do down by the river.
As you can see Sam was really enjoying himself.
Awww...I need to take Russ to the Zoo. I wonder if he would care about the animals yet or not. Meh...if not, it would be fun for me. P.S. Eloise is quite possibly one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen. Good work.