Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Broken Again!

So don't judge us but Eloise broke her arm again this spring. It happened at my mom's house while the family was all gathered for Brett's homecoming dinner. As a side note the last time she broke her arm was also at my mom's house while everyone was gathered in the summer....what a coincidense! Anyway she was playing outside and come in for some chips, but while going down the patio stairs she lost her balance and fell down the three stairs. We were already planning to leave that evening and since the hospital in Medicine Hat didn't properly cast her last time we knew to take her home and to the children's hospital in Calgary. After a long night Bryce brought her home at 3:00 am with no cast. The doctor surveyed her arm and had her elbow x-rayed. After the stretching the x-ray caused she seemed to be doing better and so she was sent home saying she had pulled her elbow.

By Wednesday I was still quite concerned. Eloise was asking for 'medicine' every 6 hours and waking up crying many times during the night. She was grumpy during the days and could not cope with anything (much like she acted last time she had an unknown broken arm). So I took her in to the children's hospital again. After a few hours Bryce came to relieve me due to a primary meeting I had scheduled. They re x-rayed her arm and found a break in her forearm(which was not x-rayed on the first visit). By 4:00 pm she was home with a lovely pink cast and stories of the the delicious Popsicle and muffin she had.

After 3 weeks of a beautiful pink cast Eloise became more and more uncomfortable with the it. One morning she was trying particularly hard to itch under it and she pushed it right off. So back to the children's hospital we go. Luckily she was scheduled to have it off within the next week and the doctor was sure her arm had healed enough. Unluckily she had an allergic reaction to the cast glue and her whole arm was a big rash. Thankfully it did clear up after a few day and now we are back to normal. Hopefully this will be our last break for a long while!