Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Fun

We have been trying to enjoy the snow as much as we can (which means when no one is sick or napping and it is not too cold or dark) here are some of our adventures.

I took the kids out today and Sam was playing in the snow having a lovely time when I looked over I noticed that he had lost his boot and was playing in his socks...whoops!

Our first snowman. The snow was a bit crunchy so it was a small little guy.

First snow face plant of the year.

Helping shovel snow with Ethan.

This was one of the first snow days this year and Eloise was super nervous, she eventually got used to it and continued to clean the snow off all the patio furniture and toys.

Happy Birthday to Me

My birthday has now come and gone but here is the story of the best birthday yet!

To start I came downstairs in the morning to a handsome husband and cute kiddies along with an invitation to breakfast. Which lead to my realization that Bryce had planned the best gift of all...him! He had taken the day off from work. We went out for breakfast at Cora's which was delicious and on to some Christmas shopping. Bryce made dinner and I got a new Kindle. Later Bryce and I went on a date to see the new Harry Potter. It was a lovely day thanks Bryce!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2nd Birthday Bash

Our Halloween baby Eloise had her 2nd birthday on Sunday. We invited our Calgary family and had fun Halloween night.
Eloise got a new table and chairs and she tried to get on them but her fish costume made this process rather difficult.

The cousins all waiting by the window to push the button on the fog machine as soon as the trick or treaters approached.

Natalie, Sarah and Hannah in their cute Dr. Seuss costumes. Eloise usually loves these girls but until they took their wigs off she would not go near them.

Eloise helped me make these spider chocolate covered brownies and she couldn't stop talking about them. While trying to blow out the candles she got too close (which you can see in the picture) and quickly jumped back shouting HOT. She was so cute and helped serve everyone dessert. We feel so blessed to have such a sweet happy daughter and can't believe that she is two.

Halloween Trunk or Treat

Since Halloween was on a Sunday this year our church held a fabulous Trunk or Treat on Saturday night. We decorated our trunk as a spider web including black light and fog spraying spider pumpkin. We almost won the decorating contest thanks to all Bryce's hard work. Eloise loved going around to all the trunks, with fisherman Bryce, for her candy and especially loved feasting on it after. Sam spent the night as our live spider crawling around on his web in the trunk and I handed out candy in my spiderweb costume.

Spider Sam!

'Bishy' Eloise

Enjoying the Loot!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving FHE

Last week we carved our Halloween Jack O' Latern. We (and by we I mean Bryce) carved a spider pumpkin since we have chosen a spider theme for our Halloween festivities. Eloise and I made some orange kettle corn and enjoyed our treat while Bryce slaved away. All this week Eloise has asked to go outside and see the 'spider'.

Smiling Sam enjoyed the action from his regular place crawling on the floor which he is getting more and more efficient out.

Delicious popcorn!

Visiting Grandma Palmer

We made a long overdue trip to Edmonton for a visit to the Palmer's and the temple. It was a wonderful weekend and we come home well fed and refreshed.

Cute cousins. Gemma entertained Eloise all weekend.

Sam and Cohen had fun together climbing all over each other and anything in their way.

Jammin' on the piano.

Watching shows together on Grandma's bed.

The Corn Maze

I have been dreaming all fall of going out to the Calgary Corn Maze and so we squeezed it in a couple weeks ago on the final weekend it was open. I was so glad we went the kids had fun and so did Bryce and I. It had snowed the day before and so it was super muddy, this added to the authenticity of the 'farm' atmosphere.

Bryce and Eloise rode the 'Cho Cho' and as you can see it was a comfy ride for Bryce.

There was a petting zoo full of ponies, chickens and goats. Eloise loved following around the animals and trying to get the to eat the hay she would leave near their mouth. She even got a chance to brush one of the ponies.

These are the jumping pillows. We had to go shoe less which was an extra adventure in the mud.

Sam and I in the corn maze. Sam's favorite was munching on any corn stalk he could get his hands on.

Eloise was so sad when we had to leave she was holding on to the car next to ours while shedding tears.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So all morning I have been trying to catch up on the blog and the kids have been left to their own adventures. Eloise has gotten two varieties of crackers from the pantry and 'shared' them with Sam. I am afraid to seem the cracker damage that has been done to the is a little taste of that may be in store for me as I try to repair the damage of my neglect and 'sharing'.

Welcome Fall

As tradition subscribes when a gathering in the fall happens among the Salmons we must make time for a Welcome Fall party.

This thanksgiving weekend we went to Medicine Hat to celebrate and along with the welcome fall party we did some crafting, watched movies (on Grandpa's new TV), ate good food and played with cousins. I do feel so blessed to have such a lovely family and especially for my handsome husband who takes good care of us and is still the most splendid company of all.
Bryce and Eloise enjoying the Welcome Fall feast.
Sam loved the leaves right away, Eloise took some warming up but by the end of the night everyone was enjoying the pile.

the Melissa's

We had our first house guests the last weekend in September for the Melissa's race. My sister in law Nicole is a star and took my spot because I have been doing zero running as of late. My niece Alyssa and Bryce also ran in the race. Terry, Jodi and I were great cheerleaders long with the kiddies. Despite the wind it was a great race and a pleasure to be in the mountains.

Here are the few shots I got of Bryce looking so hot in his running gear. Great work Bryce, Nicole and Alyssa.

Conference Weekend

We were lucky to have a visit from the Curliss family for General Conference weekend. We were able to enjoy some beautiful fall weather, splendid company and some spiritual uplifting.
Sam and Tony found a treat cup in the diaper bag and worked together to finish of every last puff.

Ethan and Eloise loved finding rocks and tossing them in to the river.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Eating Machine

Sam has always loved to eat. Now that he has discovered solid food this love has grown. He will now eat most things that we are having for dinner (after a little time in the Majic Bullet) and often eats more than Eloise at mealtimes. What a boy.

Monday, September 13, 2010


We have now officially moved and are feeling pretty settled in. Love our new home and love that there are very few boxes left to unpack. We feel very blessed to have such great family who have been nothing but helpful the past few weeks.

Here is the condo all packed up and ready to go.
The kidlets on their way out of the condo for the last time.
Cheers to our work crew.

Cheers to our new home.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Veranda Beach

The week before the big move we were lucky to have the chance to go to Veranda Beach Resort near Oroville WA on Lake Osoyoos. We went with Terry and Nicole and their 4 lovely children as well as Barbara and Jim. It was a beautiful location, weather and company. We made the trek down in two parts on the way down (Barbara and Jim came with us in the sweet van) stopping in Creston BC overnight to break up the trip. We arrived to a beautiful cottage right on the beach and immediately were ready to play. The week flew by with lots of time in the sun at the pool and lake. The kids were great and the relaxing was much appreciated.

This is my favorite picture from the trip you can really see how much Bryce loves being a dad. Also notice how big Sam is getting, he was getting fed every time he woke up at night and was taking full advantage of being spoiled by waking up every two hours. He gained over a pound that week!
Enjoying a delicious noodle dinner. Thanks to Aunt Nicole for saving Eloise's life shortly after this when she choked on these noodles.
This is how Sam and Cohen spent most of their awake time. This was the best basket of toys ever that was unloaded and loaded back up countless times.
This is the beach right outside our cottage. Gorgeous views of lake mountains and Eloise.
Sam and I enjoying the Veranda at Veranda Beach.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Count Down to the Move

We are moving in two weeks to a house in Diamond Cove (with a yard!!!!!). We went for a Sunday walk to check out the nearby paths through Fish Creek Park. It was beautiful and we can't wait to explore more in and around our new home!